Shadows Beneath North Atwater Bridge

Shadows Beneath North Atwater Bridge, Landscape
Shadows Beneath North Atwater Bridge
The North Atwater Multimodal Bridge is a cable-stayed bridge with a 'knee bend' pylon. Rather than paint the bridge, or the Los Angeles River over which it crosses, I was intrigued by the bold and unusual shadows the bridge cast, throwing blue and purple colors into the warm olive greens of the water and on the single pier that supports the pylon.
he modes referred to are pedestrian and bicycle traffic on its south deck, and equestrian traffic on the north deck. It’s the shadows those decks that fall upon the river.
The geometry of these shadows on the pier is softened and broken by the motion of the river water. The rocks and sand about the pier mimic in a solid way the modulations of form and color in the moving waters and are subtly echoed in the concrete embankment of the far side.
The painting is highly linear, but the natural forms of foliage, rocks and water mitigate the severity of structure and create a pleasing whole.
My painting: Shadows Beneath the North Atwater Multimodal Bridge.

Landscape    20 x 24